All Danes may register on the Danes Abroad List in connection with a stay abroad.
Dear Danish citizen,
For technical reasons the current list of Danes Abroad is abolished, and a new list of Danes Abroad is ready. The purpose of the list of Danes Abroad is still to enable the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs to contact you if an acute crisis situation arises abroad. That could be a natural disaster, an act of terrorism or an armed conflict in the country where you are. In such a situation, you might need information about how to leave the area.
Registering on the list of Danes Abroad is voluntary. You are welcome to register short trips and long term stays abroad. In the new system there is an automated yearly update function, in order to secure that your data is correct and valid.
Since it is not possible to transfer your current data, we encourage you to register on the new list of Danes Abroad. You can register via the homepage of the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. You choose your own personal user id and password, or you can use MItID.
We hope you will bear with any confusion or problems in connection with the start-up of this new system.
You are welcome to contact Consular Services in the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, if you have any questions or comments to the new list of Danes Abroad:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +45 3392 1112
You can register on the Danes Abroad list by following this link